Coordinate Measuring Machines
Close the gap between design intent and real-world operation with actionable, real-time insight that revolutionizes upstream and downstream decision-making.
Discover My Metrology Solution
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After sending over your info, we'd like to get on the phone to make sure we understand your specific needs. This is how we'll give direction and solutions that make an impact.
You'll get an email from us confirming what was discussed on your call and detailing any follow-up steps there might be.
Now you've broken the ice and made a plan with one of our industry experts. Put the Hexagon toolbox to use and watch your operation grow!
Solutions designed
to make your job easier
We're problem solvers
We keep it simple
We design for flexibility
We have a portfolio of technology that guarantees to have a solution for your application needs.
Our technology is easy to use for anyone, whether they are a quality technician, tool maker, or machine operator.
Our solutions are portable so they can be taken from a clean room to the shop floor.
High precision tools for high-detail outcomes.
Peek inside of our toolbox to get a feel for what we can help you with.
Work with us and get the best
We take pride in being a customer and innovation-first company
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Offering the highest accuracy, precision, and throughput, nothing beats a CMM!
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Offering the highest accuracy, precision, and throughput, nothing beats a CMM!
Laser Trackers
Full-size bus? No problem! Large-scale part measurement and scanning made easy.
Laser Trackers
Full-size bus? No problem! Large-scale part measurement and scanning made easy.
Portable CMMs
The Hexagon Absolute Arm is absolutely your best portable technology for scanning parts the size of a shoebox to as big as a car.
Portable CMMs
The Hexagon Absolute Arm is absolutely your best portable technology for scanning parts the size of a shoebox to as big as a car.
Structured Light Scanners
Highest resolution available when scanning parts as small as the tip of a pen and as large as a soccer ball.
Structured Light Scanners
Highest resolution available when scanning parts as small as the tip of a pen and as large as a soccer ball.
We now have the capability to quickly set up and inspect the dimensional requirements of repeat parts on the CMM and walk away to do other duties while it does the work. This reduces the labor cost of both in-process inspection and final audit.
Owner / General Manager, Small Business Industrial Manufacturing Company
3D scanning capability has aided us in identifying possible dimensional nonconformities in our production process as well as verifying tool design and wear.
Manufacturing Engineering, Fortune 500 Automotive & Transport Company
We saw a tremendous increase in efficiencies on accomplishing periodic inspection on Major Assembly tools. Even with having to establish OTP’s on old standard optic tooling, we cut our inspection time in half.
Operations Manager, Medium Enterprise Aerospace & Defense Company
Find the tool you need today
We provide metrology systems from hand tools to automated solutions, CMMs to measuring arms, laser trackers and optical scanners.
© Hexagon AB - All Rights Reserved
We have a portfolio of technology that guarantees to have a solution for your application needs.
Our technology is easy to use for anyone, whether they are a quality technician, tool maker, or machine operator.
Our solutions are portable so they can be taken from a clean room to the shop floor.
We keep it simple
High Throughput
CMM’s offer the greatest throughput while being the most accurate and precise inspection machines available. Let us help bring this value into your everyday work.
Large scale measurement
Laser trackers deliver metrology grade measurement and 3D scanning for large volumes. Ready to go big for your inspection needs?
Portable Measurement
Portable CMM’s, such as the Absolute Arm, deliver the greatest flexibility when measuring and scanning medium to large parts. Are you hoping to measure anywhere, from the quality room to the plant floor?
High Detail Scanning
Structured Light Scanners deliver the highest 3D scanning resolution for small to medium parts. Detail so great, will you be able to choose which one is the CAD or scan data?
Make the Data Work
Having data collected for measurement is the first step. Doing something with that data is even more important. Want more info on how Hexagon can help you put data to work? Check out our Metrology inspection software PC-DMIS and Inspire. Need reverse engineering? We can show you REcreate.
Improved quality assurance: Precise measurements reduce rework and ensure higher quality standards.
Enhanced decision-making: Optimize operations by harnessing quality data.
Innovation and continuous improvement:
Real-time feedback and machine learning drive continuous improvement in manufacturing.
Improved quality assurance:
Precise measurements reduce rework and ensure higher quality standards.
Enhanced decision-making:
Optimize operations by harnessing quality data.
Innovation and continuous improvement: Real-time feedback and machine learning drive continuous improvement in manufacturing.